Some Effective Ways of Rat Removal in Vancouver from a Wall

Rats have prehistoric relationships with humans. Nonetheless, they are among the most common pest species in Vancouver. Rats can infest residential and commercial spaces besides residing in subways and sewers. It’s never easy for homeowners to get rid of a rat infestation from their homes. Additionally, rats carry health risks for people once they infest a  property. They can chew almost anything, and they keep chewing through walls, electrical cables, and insulation to keep their teeth growing. Rat removal in Vancouver from a wall isn’t easy for homeowners, yet there are some effective ways to do it.

Damage That Rats Can Cause with their Chewing Ability

Rats can chew through walls, floors, insulation, wires, pipes, and nearly everything in the house. However, their chewing ability is a threat to residential and commercial spaces. Rats also cost small businesses yearly that conduct business in urban areas. Moreover, businesses have also gone bankrupt due to the property damage that rats caused with their continuous chewing ability. Electrical hazards that rats can cause have also taken lives. Hence, getting rid of rats is essential for homeowners and business owners if rats infest their space.    

How Can You Know If Rats Are Present in Your Home Walls

There are various signs to identify a rat infestation in the walls. You can look for holes to identify rats in the wall. If holes are bigger than the size of your palm, rats might have infested your home space. Such holes often lead to food and water sources that rats access. Those sources are the pantry, cupboards, surroundings next to the floor by pet dishes. Moreover, you can identify a rat infestation if you see rat droppings, urine odours, and scampering noises.  

Some Effective Ways to Get Rid of Rats from the Wall

Here are some effective ways of rat removal in Vancouver from the wall:

Thwart Access:

It’s crucial to prevent rats from accessing your home. You should make sure there aren’t any external holes or entrances leading to your house. Otherwise, you can encounter a rat infestation. You must block or repair holes leading to your house to avert a rat infestation. 

Use Traps and Baits:

Traps and baits together work effectively to get rid of rats from a property. Nevertheless, you will need to place rat traps with rat baits smartly in your home to get rid of rats. You must take necessary precautions to place rat traps with baits to avoid hurting pets and children in your home. You can opt for a bait station as an alternative to rat traps and baits. However, bait stations are inhumane and may affect your pets with rotting bodies of rats you may kill via them. 

Dehydrating Rat Killers:

Dehydrating rat killers can also help you kill rats when you deploy them on their own or together with traps. Dehydrating rat killers decouple the connections the stomach and intestine to the brain have. They destroy the thirst recognition ability of rats. Hence, rats will fall asleep with dehydration if you utilize dehydrating rat killers to kill rats. Furthermore, these agents won’t produce the rotting smell while killing rats, unlike bait stations.

In addition to these effective ways of rat removal, you can permanently control the rat problem doing the following:

  • Preventing rats from accessing your house
  • Clearing rats who may present in your home walls, ceiling, and basement 


Rats have primeval relationships with humans. Nevertheless, they are among the most common pest species in Vancouver. Rats can chew through walls, floors, and almost everything in the house. However, their chewing ability is a danger to residential and commercial spaces. Electrical hazards that rats can cause have led small businesses to bankruptcy and taken lives. You can identify a rat infestation looking for holes in the wall, seeing rat droppings, urine odours, and scampering noises. Some of the effective ways of rat removal in Vancouver from a property are as follows:

  1. Preventing rats from accessing your house
  2. Using traps and baits together
  3. Deploying dehydrating rat killers

However, getting rid of rats yourself from a property may not always work as you aren’t a pest control expert. Thus, you should prefer contacting pest control professionals to eradicate rats from your home walls for good.

You can feel free to contact Pesticon Canada to get rid of the pests from your property in Vancouver, a pest control company that is an expert at pest control, including rodents, bed bugs, roaches, ants, mosquitoes, wasps, termites, and more alongside animal control in Vancouver.

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