Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder and Its Treatment

A mental health disease known as binge-eating disorder (BED) makes sufferers consume excessive amounts of food while frequently feeling unable to stop. An individual who binges eats a lot of food in a short period of time. They might not be hungry when they do this, which frequently causes discomfort in the body as well as emotions of guilt and shame. The affected person may have developed a need on food to numb or deal with distressing emotions, which is frequently referred to as compulsive eating. One can connect with TalktoAngel for Online Counselling. Although it is more prevalent in adults, binge-eating disorder is a form of eating problem that is
thought to affect both sexes equally at any age.
The majority of binge-eating bouts occurs in solitude and might last several hours, however
some can last all day. A person may feel distressed and unhappy as a result of this lack of
control, and shame is frequently what keeps them from speaking up and getting help.

Binge eating disorder, commonly known as BED, can have severe impact on someone’s physical
and emotional health. People who experience this condition, which is frequently accompanied by
melancholy and anxiety, should realize they are not alone and should’t feel guilty about seeking
Binge eating disorder is linked to specific emotions and behaviors. You can feel guilty, lonely,
depressed, anxious, stressed, or low on self-worth if you use food as a coping mechanism.
People with eating disorders frequently experience feelings of guilt or even embarrassment about
their actions. Due to their tendency to be extremely secretive, many people will not, if at all, seek

treatment. We’ve included a few of the emotions and actions related to binge eating disorder
below. Please continue reading if you recognize them in yourself or if you are concerned about
someone else.
These may consist of:
ï‚· Feelings of remorse or humiliation.
ï‚· Consuming a lot of food at once or picking at it all day.
ï‚· Eating till you are uncomfortable or sick.
ï‚·Angry or Feeling depressed about your appearance, especially if you are gaining weight.
 Incredibly Feeling  useless or depressed.
ï‚· Even if you want to stop, you feel like you are losing control around food.
ï‚· Tense Feeling or worried.
ï‚· Eating in secret or concealing your food intake.
It’s crucial to see your doctor if you recognize any of the aforementioned behaviors or indicators,
even if it does’t necessarily indicate you have an eating disorder. It can be quite challenging to
envision a route out of the depths of an eating problem, and this is made even more challenging’s

if you’re going it alone. Despite how hopeless and alone you may feel right now, there is hope
for rehabilitation and a route out. People are there to support you.
The majority of persons with binge eating problems recover with help and treatment.
A guided self-help programme will likely be offered to you as the initial step in treating binge
eating disorder. This frequently entails reading a self-help book and attending appointments with
a medical specialist, like a therapist.
These self-help books might guide you through a programme that does one of the following:
ï‚· Watching what you eat might help you see trends in your behavior and attempt to change
ï‚· Create sensible meal plans for what to eat and when to help you control your eating.

ï‚· Learn about your triggers so you can spot the warning signs, take action, and stop a
ï‚· Identify the root reasons of your disorder so you can address those problems in a
healthier manner.
ï‚· Different methods for handling your emotions
ï‚· Comprehending and learning good weight management techniques
It may also be beneficial to join a self-help support group, such as one of the Beat online support
groups for people with binge eating disorders.
You might also be given the option of receiving medication or cognitive behavioral therapy if
self-help treatment alone is insufficient or has not proven effective after four weeks.

If CBT is recommended to you, it will typically take place in group sessions; however it may
also be provided in one-on-one sessions with a therapist.
Over the course of four months, you should be given roughly 16 weekly sessions, each lasting 60
minutes for an individual session and 90 minutes for a group session.
Talking to a therapist and taking Online Counseling as part of CBT will help you analyze
thought, feeling, and behavior patterns that may be fueling your eating issue.
They’ll support you by:
ï‚· To help you develop a regular eating schedule, schedule the meals and snacks you should
consume throughout the day.
ï‚· Identify the factors that lead to your binge eating.
 Body Negative  image feelings should be changed and managed.
ï‚· Maintain your new eating routine to avoid relapsing into binge eating.
While receiving treatment, you should’t try to diet because doing so may make it more difficult
to stop binge eating.

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